
Information from classes and day to day stuff

Project 2003

Our system for NPD (New Product Design) is as follows:


»        Our NPD Coordinator reviews project proposals and selects a new project

»        A VOC (Voice of the Customer) is conducted

»        A Project Manager from the Engineering Department is selected

»        The scope, requirements, specifications, budget etc. are established and communicated

»        The design process begins- during this time the Project Manager will seek assistance from different departments

»        We have 1-2 design reviews

»        Preparation for prototype manufacture begins- purchasing, production control, manufacturing, programming etc. are all responsible for completing their specific tasks

»        The prototype is made

»        Another review is conducted to go over manufacturing/design issues

»        Changes are submitted by anyone

»        Engineering Department updates any necessary changes and completes proper sign-offs of product

»        Marketing is notified and prepares advertising material

»        Product is released to complete production