Although I would love to make a picture of the database tables, here are the tables anyway:
ADDRESS.DAT | Customer ShipTo and Vendor RemitTo address data. Added at V13. |
AFLOCAT.DAT | Lookup data for city, state, zipcode and country. Added at V13 to support pulldown lists. |
ALARM.DAT | Alarm events. |
ALERT.DAT | Alert events. |
AUDITTR.DAT | Audit trail information. |
BANKREC.DAT | Temporary file used for reconciliation. |
BOM*.DAT | Bill of material data for assemblies. Added at V11.5. (Partly available with DDE.) |
CHART.DAT | Chart of Accounts data. (Available with Export and DDE.) |
COMPANY.DAT | Company specific data. (Available with DDE.) |
ConnCO.DAT | Used to control multiple access. Empty when PT not running. Has record with Peachtree serial number when PT running. Probably added at V9. |
COST.DAT | Job Cost data. (Not available with Peachtree First Accounting.) |
CUSTOMER.DAT | Customer data. (Available with Export and DDE.) |
EMPLOYEE.DAT | Employee data. (Available with Export and DDE.) |
EVENTLOG.DAT | Log of certain transactions. |
FORECAST.DAT | Created when you use forecasting. |
FOREDETL.DAT | Created when you use forecasting. |
FA*.DAT | Fixed Asset data. (FALIMIT.DAT |
GENERAL.DAT | General and default data. (Not available with Export. Only periods available with DDE.) |
GLCOAT.DAT | Text file listing the chart of accounts. Added at V11. |
GRPDATA.DAT | Info about report groups. |
INVCHAIN.DAT | Supporting detail for line items. |
INVCOMP.DAT | Inventory assembly component data. Possibly not used starting at V11. |
INVCOST.DAT | Details about inventory cost. |
INVTAG.DAT | Auxiliary Inventory data. |
JOBEST.DAT | Auxiliary job data. |
JOBTAG.DAT | V7 only: Auxiliary job data. |
JOURNAL.DAT | V7 only: All journal entries are stored in this one file. (Available with Export/DDE.) |
JRNLHDR.DAT | V8 and later: Header information for all journals. (Available with Export and DDE) |
JRNLROW.DAT | V8 and later: Detail information for all journals. (Available with Export and DDE) |
JRNLSNO.DAT | V12 and later: Item serial number data. |
LINEITEM.DAT | Inventory item data. (Available with Export and DDE.) |
OLACCT.DAT | V13 and later: Purpose unknown. |
OLTRANS.DAT | V13 and later: Purpose unknown. |
PERMISS.DAT | User permission data. |
PHASE.DAT | Job phase data (Not available with Peachtree First Accounting) |
PROJECT.DAT | Job data. (Available with Export and DDE.) |
QTYDISC.DAT | V11.5 and later: Contains quantity discount data. |
RAISEHST.DAT | V11 and later: Raise history data. Not used in all flavors. |
RECPTTAG.DAT | Receipt tag information. Obsolete but may exist in older data. |
REPORT.DAT | Temporary report data. |
RPTDATA.DAT | Temporary report data. |
RptFiltS.DAT | V11 and later: Report Filter temporary data. |
RstyDef.DAT | V8 and later: Contains report styles for report groups. |
Rstyle.DAT | V8 and later: Contains constants for each of four styles. |
SORTJOB.DAT | V7 only: Report speedup data. |
STORETRX.DAT | Obsolete at V13: Memorized Transaction data. |
STXHDR.DAT | V13 and later: Memorized Transaction header data. |
STXROW.DAT | V13 and later: Memorized Transaction detail data. |
TAXAUTH.DAT | Tax Authority data. |
TAXCODE.DAT | Sales tax data. |
TAXTABLE.DAT | Tax Table data. (Available with DDE.) |
TEMPLATE.DAT | Stores data for template button that appears on various journal forms. |
TICKET.DAT | Ticket data. (Available with Export. Not available in First Accounting.) |
UNITMEAS.DAT | V11.5 and later: Unit of measure data. |
UPS*.DAT | V12 and later: UPS Shipping information. |
UserPref.DAT | V8 and later: PT Today settings. |
VENDINS.DAT | V13 and later: Vendor insurance data. |
VENDOR.DAT | Vendor data. (Available with Export and DDE.) |
WORKTKT.DAT | V11.5 and later: Work Ticket data. |